Growing up and living in Canada It is hard to be close to family if you dont see them often, I was fortunate to get see my Auntie Kath quite a bit when she would come on vacation to see us in Canada or when i would come to Scotland.
I was very close with her and she was like a second Mum to me, she was there for me during some difficult times during my teenage years and we would often stay up late chatting over hot chocolate.
She loved animals, her crazy dog Buster would always do something to make us laugh, she was funny and just as gullible as my Granny so we could always wind her up for fun.
I used to look forward to her visits with us, I remember having to say goodbye to her and my uncle Ricky before i went to work that day, lmagine my surprise when i got home they were still there, she had messed up their flight details and missed the plane! We were lucky to get an extra day or So of time together.
The goodbyes were always long and tearful and this goodbye is the worst, she’s left an empty spot in my heart but I’m thankful i have plenty of great memories of my times with her to fill it with. Love you to bits wee Kath xoxo